Monday, 17 December 2018

How fast will my hair grow post an crafting session of FUE?

What is FUE?
FUE is a hair transplant craft which associates implanting till 4500 single donor hair follicles from one area of head and transplanting them to the areas which are bald. Thus making a new widow’s peak, which further helps in regrowth of hair?
Because the follicles are taken out one by one, the scarring is much lesser as opposed to other crafting methods. The whole persona of the person undergoing is wow.
FUE is surely an outstandingly effective and popular answer to all hair loss problems; though the results take some time, the wait is truly worth every penny spend.
How long is the wait going to be?
You will get a new hairline quite soon post crafting session- but just as any other surgery has swelling, so will this, but that is nothing to worry about because it is a part of the surgery and the swelling is also very minor, which will go away on its own. The surgeon will advise you some do’s and don’ts, like sleeping with a head raised on pillows for some time to come.
Around a week or so, post their treatment, the initial post-surgery redness, swollen part along with shedding will abate, and by the 15thday the grafts will be in their place. After which you can continue doing your washing of hair, combing and also get your hair cut (in case you wish to).
How can I help my hair in their growth?
You should abide by everything your surgeon has asked you to do for a faster hair growth. FUEhair transplant in India is carried out under the supervision of some of the best doctors, and they treat patients with much support and also treat baldness and thinning of hair with utmost care.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

How helpful are FUE hair transplants in restoring falling hair?

Hair mending has changed its path since the time it was stared, over the years, from hair plugs, frightful reductions of the scalp, hair loss and much more. Baldness, these days is inexorable. With methods like FUE and FUT treatments giving natural outcomes, and only very little marks or scars.

Losing Hair along with hair thinning can play an emotional wreck on anyone. A splendid head of hair is mostly connected with adulthood, belle, and good health, and once they start thinning out or vanish from your head, it can create a trauma in the mind of the person having it, further making the person lose all the confidence.
Many things occur in our mind while we lose hair or see it thinning, right in front of our eyes:

Thoughts about ageing
Many people have weird thoughts while they see hair thinning or falling out. Some think that they must be getting old, as balding is connected with looking old.

Not able to hairstyle properly
Men having thin hair and those who bald get anxious, when they cannot style their hair as they wish to, it certainly take a lot of time and some effort to disguise thinning hair And also bald patches and the outcome of these hairstyles also don’t look very real.

FUE helps those who have thinning hair
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is a minimally invasive, precise, technically demanding hair transplant surgery procedure. In the FUE surgery, grafts get taken one by one from the back of the scalp and placed one by one into the balding areas. A graft can have anywhere between one to four hairs, the number of grafts needed will depend on your donor site and the balding area which requires filling in.

Follicular Unit Extraction is a noninvasive, method for hair transplant surgery process. Grafts are usually taken, individually from the back or sides of the scalp and then planted into balding area. A graft mostly has 1- 5 hair.

Before starting the FUE Hair Transplant in India, a local anaesthetic is applied around the scalp. When the scalp is senseless, the rest of the process also becomes without pain.
No marks or scars are present in this type of surgery. 

Friday, 7 December 2018

What is laser hair removal treatment and Is laser hair removal treatment safe?

This treatment is utilized to remove undesirable hair from upper lip, legs, chin, and armpits. Laser hair removal is a medical procedure, in which a laser beam is utilized to remove undesirable hair from the body. Moreover, the success of laser hair removal depends on hair color and skin type. Laser hair treatment has side effects such as-: pigmentation changes and skin irritation.

How it is done-:
A laser transmits a light that is consumed by the pigment named as melanin in the hair. The light energy is changed over to warm, which harms the hair follicles that creates hair on the skin. The laser should harm just the hair follicle while maintaining a strategic distance from harm to the skin.

Is this medical procedure safe?

The laser hair removal treatment adequately postpones hair growth for a long time.  Numerous laser hair removal procedures are required for starting hair removal, and medications may be required for maintenance. Laser hair removal is best for both individuals who have light and dark hair. Laser hair removal treatment works best with hair follicles in the new-growth stage.

Moreover, laser hair removal treatment in Visakhapatnam is cost-effective as compared to other parts of India.

Saturday, 1 December 2018

What is the meaning of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) skin rejuvenation treatment?

PRP therapy is basically known as platelet-rich plasma skin rejuvenation treatment that utilizes the platelets found in your blood to stimulate the cell migration to remove the lines and wrinkles from your face. This medical procedure has no side effects such as no risk of allergy or infection. PRP therapy in India is quite popular nowadays for people of each season since they prefer to look young and perfect. This medical procedure is valuable to change your physical and mental appearance. This medical procedure gives you a healthier appearance, thicker dermis, and an improved tone of your skin.

How does it work?-:

A little measure of blood is taken from your arm. The blood is then put in a vial and spun on an axis to isolate the red platelets and plasma. This medical procedure is called fluid gold. In this process, fluid gold is activated and injected into the affected skin in order to recovery activity.

Platelet-rich plasma skin rejuvenation treatment is done in 4 ways, such as – PRP injection therapy, PRP with fillers, PRP facial, and laser resurfacing boost. Platelet-rich plasma skin rejuvenation therapy is ideal for full face, acne, scars, under eye fine wrinkles, and neck.