Saturday, 2 March 2019

Is the Treatment of Laser Hair Removal Permanent or Temporary?

How does it work?

Laser hair removal uses light to eliminate or target the hair pigments individually. During the treatment, the light travels down to the hairs and then it reaches the hair follicles. The hair follicles are destroyed because of the heat which comes from the laser and because of this the hair will not grow longer. In most cases, the patient needs more than one treatment which will be given in the time period of 2 to 3 months.

Are the results permanent?

Around 85% of the people have said that they have got permanent and successful hair removal. You can consider this most of the times the results of laser hair removal treatment is effective. However, after some time you can except some hair growth in the treated area.

It is possible to reduce the number of hairs that will grow over time. Whereas in some cases, it is possible to eliminate all the hairs.

The effectiveness of the treatment also depends on different factors which include the type of hair that grows back and from where you are getting the treatment. For the best results, it is always important that you choose the best surgeon.

In most cases, people notice that the hairs that grow back are lighter in color and they are less noticeable. If the hair follicles are not destroyed but damaged then the hairs will grow eventually. If your hairs grow back you can get the treatment again but you will need several sessions.