Monday, 6 May 2019

What things should be kept in mind after getting laser hair removal surgery?

If you have recently undergone the laser hair removal surgery than you should keep in mind certain things. We have mentioned some of them for your understanding.

    • Exfoliate the treated area

      The area at which from where the hair is removed should be exfoliated at least 3-time every week. For the best results of the laser hair removal in Vizag, you should contact the expert doctors.

    • Apply Aloe Vera Gel 

      After the surgery, the treated area will be red or swelled. For this, aloe vera gel is the perfect option as they help to reduce the discomfort. You should apply it after keeping it in the refrigerator as the cooling effect is even better. You should apply it for at least 2 to 3 days.

    • Use sunscreen

      Even after the surgery, you should apply sunscreen so that the skin does not get tanned. In case, if you get a sunburn the skin will become more irritated. You should use it at least two weeks after each session.

    • Take the medications

      If the doctor has prescribed the medications than you should take them on time. Moreover, if you feel the need then consult the doctor as they can give the best advice.